Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ants have run amok

The ants in my home have become adrenalized, ramping up from a leisurely crawl around my bathroom sink and kitchen utensils to a full force military march to the trash can. They have experimented with my cat's automatic feeder and have been only casually interested. But once it took them only three weeks to discover the trash can, it's like their first love.

My feelings lean more toward annoyance. I have now resorted to using Elmer's glue to completely seal the bottom of my bathroom floor and board. As I left this morning, they seemed stunned in their tiny tracks.

Your move, ants. Your move.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this blog, I shall be following. (:
me too, but I just let me go off to where theyre going unless theyre red.lol