Monday, February 21, 2011

Figuring out things as a new homeowner

I took a break from my Veronica Mars marathon to venture out yesterday to buy groceries and buy branch clippers. I'm quite proud of myself for clipping almost all the branches from my purple flower tree (type??) yesterday. The branch was hanging on the ground but as I pruned, it slowly rose back to its natural height. I felt so proud. I was telling my coworker about this simple task and my happiness, and she said she also feels proud when her green bin of compost is full from her yardwork. Even though its OUR house and our chores, we feel very self-back-patting when we complete our house tasks. Yey me - I'm now the owner of branch clippers. I've also bought a long fruit picker and reachingly picked bags of lemons from my tree. Green thumb, here I come!

I love the pink flower tree in my front yard. It covers my driveway and car with flowers. I was proud of myself for sweeping up the flowers the best I could and sweeping my neighbor's driveway of the wind-fallen petals. I love lately driving to work with flowers covering my car. I feel like I'm in a parade as the flowers gently or ferociously fall off as I travel through streets and the freeway. I love my pink flowered-covered car.

House, I really love you.