Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Long time no blog

Ah, it's been a long time since I've been regularly blogging. Not having internet, not checking at work, and work being tiring has basically been wiping me out. A lot going on folks.

I'm on a new thing where I'm against credit cards, used even responsibly. I don't like our economy becoming so dependent on credit cards and how that increases their influence in government. And I don't like what using credit cards does to small businesses. Use cash, people! It's worked for centuries, it keeps your budget in check, and it's free (kinda)! A paper bill is a happy economy. My new motto. I'm still ok using credit cards for big purchases where you need some time to shift some money around to pay for it or where you really want the points. How about a $300 minimum unless it's an online purchase, hotel room, or travel? How would that change how we shop and what we buy?

Ok, that's the news for tonight.


jill said...

one of the most interesting things i noticed in japan (a country most people consider very "modern" and tech-savvy) was that NO ONE used credit cards. even when spending $1k or so on something like a computer, people still used cash. makes me wonder how the japanese debt-load is compared to ours!

OrangeCat said...

That's interesting. I feel like credit card companies have lured and trapped us with their "Earn Points!" mania. Yes, you do get rewards and points but what is the bigger impact? Feels like financial global warming to me. That one plastic bottle doesn't mean much but add it all together, and there is influence there.