Wednesday, June 11, 2008


An interesting article on No Child Left Behind, the history, and current vision.

Did I mention that I renewed my passport last month, mailed it on a Monday, and received the new one back the following Thursday? Only a week and a half. I was impressed.

Last week, after our Board mtg that ended after 11pm, our pastor and another leader were standing outside a car and were held up at gunpoint. I had left but headed upstairs to chat with Wayne. As we were on the porch, talking about how late the ice cream truck comes by, we saw two youth running somewhat oddly to chase the truck down. Were those guys the robbers? Could I have been robbed also, if I had walked and chatted with them instead of going upstairs?

Mo and Nic are gone, in France. Cleaning their place today. I miss them.

Thanks Pin for coming over and installing my wall heater. Not like I need it right now but good to have.

Tomorrow we're celebrating Philippine Independence Day at work with yummy Filipino food at lunch. I'm really excited!

I'm wiped, time for bed. Early tonight, for a change.

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