Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cats don't like cones on their heads

Nora had her follow-up appt this morning at the vet today. Her little surgery "area" has a small abcess and the vet intern recommended getting a collar so she wouldn't pick at it. Ahhh, no cat I've ever seen likes those things. But, gotta do what you gotta do.

Poor Nora. When I put it on her, she freaked out. Keeps trying to back up into walls or me to get away from this thing on her head. I was upstairs and heard bang bang crash stumble and then she was somehow downstairs. Ahhh :( I don't think that happened gracefully but maybe some tail over head falling was involved. She then hid under the table for hours, resting her conehead against the table leg. I gave her a small cone break so she could go to the litter box and come out from hiding. She immediately pepped up and was off. Hmm, maybe she wasn't so traumatized as I had thought. When I put it back on, she just lay on the couch, trying not to move. She's now asleep against me barely noticing the red plastic cone around her neck. Ah, baby.

Now the question is whether or not to take it off at night. I think not, even though that means she most likely won't be able to come upstairs or esp on the bed. Hey, she just had expensive cat surgery! I want her to get better for her health and for my wallet's sake.

Sorry, baby, you're sleeping on the couch tonight.

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