Friday, February 29, 2008

The cinema

I saw No Country for Old Men today. Eh. I enjoyed it but had a hard time getting how it was a Best Picture winner. It felt like a "normal" movie - good action but nothing much that gave it a WOW factor. I think if Javier Bardem's role had been played by a more well-known actor, it wouldn't have gotten such rave reviews. Somehow having this new guy on the screen, acting really well as the villain, made it seem different. When it was just a version of the same ole heist and chase genre. Diagree?

I really think the third Bourne movie should at least have been nominated for a Best Picture.

I then today saw Atonement which, eh, too. Kinda yawn. I tried reading the book a few years ago and couldn't get past the first section where Briony accuses someone falsely. I found her character kinda annoying and the plot a bit unbelievable. The movie moved slow though I will take into account that I had just seen No Country. Good acting and James McAvoy is hot but eh. Didn't quite have the drama and "oh, no, what's going to happen, how do they turn out?" tension it could have. But I don't the book had that so maybe it did the best it could?

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