Monday, March 3, 2008

Hawaii 5-0

I somehow found the old TV show Hawaii 5-0 on and have started watching the first season. Totally interesting esp when you combine it with info from Wikipedia.

Can you guess which year it premiered? I guessed in the 70's but it was actually 1968. Wow, Hawaii hadn't been an US state for that long before this show started.

Some fun facts from Wikipedia:

They somehow can't be copied from Wikipedia or Blogger just has layout issues. Does Blogger not like Macs? To summarize:

- the "5-0" comes from honoring Hawaii as the 50th state. The term has been adopted by American youth as slang for the police. Hawaii does not have an actual statewide police agency; the show's agency is fictional.

- The tv show Magum P.I. was created after Hawaii 5-0 ended to use its production equipment and the first few episodes of Magnum referenced Hawaii 5-0

Here is the second episode of the first season. Other TV classics available on for free are Star Trek: The Original Series, MacGyver, The Twilight Zone, and Melrose Place. But of course.

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