Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Oh you, Cal

My job search is in process. (No, I haven't heard about the Cal one that I interviewed at last week; I emailed yesterday to check in but no response. They haven't decided? Don't contact the non-hired?? Who knows *sigh*)

I realize today that I'm tired of job searching. I'm tired of cruising 800 job boards (only slight exaggeration), clicking and carefully reviewing many many many job postings, picking ones to apply to, writing/modifying cover letters, doing chatty phone screens, dressing up and getting directions for job interviews, and sometimes getting an offer, sometimes not, and sometimes turning old and grey while I wait for nonprofits to make a freakin' hiring decision. My goodness, I don't know how anything gets done in any nonprofit.

Even though I quit in early Jan, I've been looking since October. Actively looking, applying, interviewing, deciding whether to move forward. I can spend easily 4-5 hours a day job searching. Honest, office workers, you prob don't put in a solid 4-5 hrs of work a day. I know I rarely did, hee hee.

And I want to work at Cal but they're making it so hard! I started applying on their site again today. You can only apply to one job a day. Ok then, I will meet your challenge, Cal, and apply each and every day... for awhile... until I get tired again or hired somewhere. Whichever comes first.

Ah, the life of the underemployed...

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