Thursday, June 28, 2007

Crane Art Project for Pentecost

This past Sunday our church had a delayed Pentecost celebration (I thought it was normally 40 days after Easter but a quick Google search comes up with 50 days after Easter). For the past few months, people at our church had been invited to make cranes out of colorful paper to be used as part of the Pentecost service. I kept meaning to take one of the prepared bags home to fold a few but somehow all the traveling in May swept my mind clear of a lot of other things. It wasn't clearly told to us how exactly the cranes would be used so it was surprising and beautiful to show up on Sunday and see this.

I really liked how the larger red cranes floated gently in a smooth line, slowly descending (or ascending depending on your view.) It's one of those things that you could glance at once and think "Oh, that's cool" but the more you looked, the more you noticed all the different heights the cranes hung from and how much time it must have taken to create. I really couldn't keep my eyes off it the whole morning! I loved it and especially the vivid colors; I loved that such an artistic endeavor would be something our church would care about; I loved that it was both an invitation to, and quiet announcement of, the Holy Spirit coming and inhabiting us as Pentecost is to celebrate.

Ben C and our pastor Dan installed it on Sat - go Ben and Dan! From Ben (who also took the above pics):

We hoped for the cranes to symbolized a sense of pentecost.

Three Dimensions.
Taking Space.
Within us.
With us.

More pictures of the cranes (and other cool things Ben finds to snap of in interesting lightings and angles) are at

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