Friday, June 29, 2007

A pleasant surprise this morning

I've been listening to one worship cd in my car on repeat for the last few months with occasional breaks when I try to get my iPod to work with the fancy dancy iPod connector (that really just fries its brain and has already led to one replaced battery...grrr).

I like the cd, a mix one of our church's worship leaders put together for our retreat in Jan, and can definitely listen to one song/cd for days or weeks* but decided this morning to try something else. I pulled out all my random cd's in my car door and started thumbing through them.

Since I sold almost all my cd's on after I got my iPod two years ago, I have quite the random collection based on what strangers didn't want to buy. Steve Miller Band, Billie Holiday Collection, Celine Dion, Passion: One Day, my friend Ruben's band MOVE, plus random burnt cd's from peeps. All were labeled except one blank gray cover.

Hmmm... I popped it in and fast-paced Christian music started. I'm not usually a fan of contemporary non-worship Christian stuff but I decided to try it and found it fun and energizing for the morning drive**. I found myself smiling along and even replaying one of the songs.

I have no idea where I got this cd or who gave it to me. So thank you anonymous friend, this felt like a cool gift from God this morning :)

*Yes, one song "Wait up for me" by my friend Ben Patterson's band Tremolo I played on repeat in my car for over a wk, it really is that good - go check it out on iTunes right now!

** Which btw, thank you Jesus for Friday summer traffic which is light as cotton candy at the Del Mar fair bc everyone's on vacation. Please stay on vacation people!

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