Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Good quote

I find myself writing a lot these last two days - I wonder how long this will last.

The only advice columnist I read is Cary Tennis at The letters he answers are usually quirky and unique... and something that applies to a lot of us. I especially like to read the comment section because people have such interesting stories. Here's today's

But here's the quote from Cary that made me go "yes, totally. that's how it feels."

Here's the deal. We get out of our 20s, and eventually it dawns on us: We are not infinitely strong or infinitely capable of starting over. We are weakened by disease and death and bereavement. Things change us. We are shaped by life. There's no getting around it. This is the real thing.

Sometimes I feel like the biggest break/sadness/awakening is realizing I'm not that strong. I'm actually weak, in many areas. I can't do everything, be everything, recover from everything. Difficult situations, hard relationships, circumstances I wish hadn't happened - they've changed me. I am not the same. And that can be ok. I can't quite write "and that can be good," but I can say it's ok. Life does go on.

It may sound like I'm in a sad mood. I'm not, just thoughtful.

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