Monday, January 7, 2008

A few first impressions of living in the 'hood

Today I drove past two guys walking their small dog. The dog's "leash" was a strip of yellow police CAUTION tape. The dog trotted along.

Yesterday I left someone's house after watching the awesome (bc San Diego won) Chargers/Titans playoff football game. I looked to my left and saw a crowd of people on the corner with a few police officers standing there, talking to them. Two police cruisers were double-parked. As I watched, the conversation became agitated and the police brisquely turned a young guy around and handcuffed him. A woman came up and held onto the boy's shoulders. I wasn't sure if she was giving him advice or pleading with police to uncuff him or asking him what happened. They took him into the police car. I got into my car and drove away.

A church friend driving in her car got totaled by a hit-and-run on Friday on International Blvd. She's kinda ok but going to a physical therapist to check everything out. The driver was caught by police but didn't have insurance.

There aren't many blue mail boxes - for a residential area.

There is a lot of trash around. And it feels like more dirt, too.

I like living so close to the gym. No freeway needed.

At night, I drive to friends' places that live only a block or two away.

I like my little cottage, like having my own space but connected to the house. I like being on my own but having community.

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