Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Warrant for cell and car

Yey, the tiger "victims"' cell and car now have a warrant on them and can be legally checked by the police for evidence. If there are pictures or pot or slingshot stuff, they can be used as evidence that the guys taunted the tiger.

Ths pics could have been erased but at least getting a warrant is better than not having one at all, which is what it was looking like.


Nic B. said...

Hi there-
Get ready, this is a doozie :(
Feel free to remove if it pisses you off too much.
An honest question: at the risk of sounding, umm, inhumane, how are the victims' attitude, actions, behavior and criminal record relevant to the fact that the zoo failed to design the enclosure properly?
I guess this is an issue of reasonable risk. I suppose there's no way to completely human-proof an enclosure, if someone was absolutely determined to get in for, example. But is taunting an animal and stepping over the barrier really that unforeseeable and uncommon an event in any zoo?
Don't get me wrong, these 3 guys seem like punk-ass knuckleheads. I'm actually more concerned about the fact they were drinking & driving, which is clear and potentially fatal criminal behavior.
But it seems like there's some "blaming the victim" going on here by the public. I also resent the quotes around the word "victim". Isn't a gang-banger dope dealer who gets killed still a victim?

OrangeCat said...

Hey Nic, no your comment doesnt piss me off too much. One pt I'd like to make is that for Carlos Souzas, who did die, I would not put quotation marks around the word victim. I do believe he was a victim. For the other two, their injries didn't seem that significant because they only stayed in the hospital for a couple of days. If your own meanness/stupidity prompted an action against you, how much are you sincerely a victim? Of course I hate the way our society blames victims from crimes against them but I see this as different.

OrangeCat said...

Hmm, it looks like I was being sarcastic about being pissed off - no, your post is fine. No offense taken.

Unknown said...

I see your point about defining "victim". I think my perspective is affected by my work providing services to people who are victims of violence. Often, you could argue that directly or not, they have brought violence upon themselves. Often, they are/have been perpetrators of violence themselves. Maybe it's a matter of defining the word by the letter (in which case the other two suspects are still victims) or by the spirit (in which case they are also instigators/perpetrators)....
Whatcha think?

Nic B. said...

oops, was signed in as Mo...