Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I'm a Board member who watches America's Next Top Model.

I love salads with lots of veggies, and candy.

I love to organize, but also sometimes like a messy desk/apartment.

I don't like trends, but sometimes want to be trendy.

I use coupons and send in every rebate offer, but will splurge on a dress.

I shop at Payless, but Nordstrom.

I love talking and learning about money and finance, but am still learning Excel and don't know Quickbooks.

I strongly prefer stickshift cars, but drive an automatic Civic.

I am energized by being around people, but really enjoy being alone.

I am a strong woman, but still like the guy to initiate the first move.

I love to wear heels, but will often wear flats to not appear taller than I already am.

I love to travel, but hate the annoyance and inconvenience of flying.

I love to donate money, but wish I had more.

I hate going to bed at night, but like sleeping.

I love God, but sometimes hate what religion looks like (esp in America).

I'm opposites and contradictions and both the "yes" and the "no." I'm me.

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