Monday, December 10, 2007


1. I'm really grateful for Pin and Esther who came over last night to help me put stuff up (Pin) and completely unpack almost all of my books and boxes (Esther). I only have a couple boxes for my desk left but my books are out and the couch is free from crap. It feels more like home now, esp to see my books. I really needed some help and support in the unpacking arena so it was really what I needed.

2. I'm grateful for my health.

3. I'm grateful for community and partnership and great fundraisers not organized by me.

4. I'm grateful for being able to laugh at life and make fun and be teased in friendship.

5. I'm grateful for hope and opportunities.

God, I'm grateful to You, for everything. For drawing me to You so many years ago and always being there and available and responsive during the hard times. I can't even put into words how much You care for me, and lead me exactly the way I need to be led. I can't imagine my life without You. I'm so so so grateful.

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