Friday, July 27, 2007

Feeling grateful

These past two weeks have felt very intense, mostly with work related stuff, but it feels like it's winding down into normalcy. I'm not doing my "unconsciously taking deep breaths" thing which means I'm doing better. Wow, it's been a doozy.

I've been reflecting in the past few weeks about how I feel grateful for the basic things. For being fed, being healthy, a safe shelter, and feeling clean. I have a shower, and fresh water, and a warm bed at night. Of course there are a million more things I'm grateful for (a job, friends, community, my cats) but lately it's just been on those basics. I've been laying in bed at night thinking of those who are going to bed hungry, those searching for a safe corner on the street to sleep, those who do not have the necessary water to quench their thirst.

If you're like me, it can feel overwhelming and there's too much need, too many people that need help. But we can do something: pray, raise awareness, and donate money. Pray with me for God to feed, for God to comfort, for God to bring about institutional change. And if you can, reach out a hand and let God love on the world today through you.

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