Monday, July 23, 2007

Random Thoughts v2

1. I like croutons but I often forget to put them on my salads when I'm at home/work.

2. Salads with smoked turkey or honey ham with a hardboiled egg are yummylicious.

3. I hate those ads with the dancing alien that are right next to news articles so you can't scan down the page quickly or close them. They are distracting and not cute.

4. My cats are really cute and funny. I call them Pumpkin and Bunny sometimes (Pumpkin is for either but Bunny is only for Nora because she hops like a bunny when she runs).

5. Yes I know I'm tall but I like wearing heels and tall shoes.

6. I love TV marathons and have gotten hooked on a couple good shows from them (Example #1 = The Closer.)

7. The Wire is the best show out there and I can't believe it wasn't nominated for any Emmys, again. Yes it's on Showtime - I wait for it to come out on DVD and Netflix it.

8. I like Netflix but sometimes I take a month or two break from it to get a breather. I stopped May 10 and just picked up again last Friday.

9. I like asking for God to speak, and hearing His voice. I always feel reassured, calm, centered again. He speaks words that are so true and God.

10. I want to read the Bible more bc I know it makes such a difference in my life and I need some help being accountable to that goal.


iWonder said...

I always wondered how tall is too tall to wear heels. I am 5'11 and I try my best not to wear heels cause the guys i know are usually shorter than me. :) said...

The Closer. LOVE that show.

Bible reading. I need accountability there too...wanna help me?

OrangeCat said...

Hi iwonder,

Hello, thanks for leaving a comment :) I'm 5'11" too and yeah I'm taller than most of my friends (including the menfolk) but I have to dress up for work and I just like heels. So, yeah, any sane 6'3" Christian guys out there?