Monday, July 9, 2007


I'm back and more tan than before :)

I'll write more later but I had a good time, a really good time, with family in San Diego. We did fun stuff and everyone enjoyed each other; no arguments which is always nice. These last few years for me has involved a lot of restructuring how our family interacts, at least where I'm affected, and it's nice sometimes to just enjoy the results of all those tough conversations and boundary-settings. This was one of those weeks.

Visiting SoCal, SD specifically, gives me so many thoughts. One quick ironic thought - I feel the need to think/journal/process less when I'm in SD (no blog or written journal entries from this last wk). Maybe it's bc I'm on vacation mode or maybe the sun just chills me out or I'm so busy doing activities. Maybe bc up here in Oakland I'm in "real life mode" or I live so intentionally and think through so many of my choices. Whatever the reason, it's nice to just "be" and not analyze stuff so much. I usually think/critique/review/process so much and it's a refreshing change sometimes to just go see the Shamu show after refilling the popcorn bucket and sipping my lemonade slushie in my Shamu drink bottle without a deep thought in my head.

Sometimes that's everything I need.

(*Addendum: maybe I still have a ton of thoughts and observations in SD but I don't write them out and they sit there marinating until I come back and bring them out to my blog-grill. Mmm, that's a yummy analogy...)

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