Friday, July 13, 2007

So You Think You Can Dance

I don't usually like reality performance shows (see American Idol) but I love So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD). In watching this clip three times in a row, I realize I love watching such creative expression. Their dance really does capture to me what an argument would look like if we were all awesome dancers. And a good song doesn't hurt. "It's too late to apologize..."

The guy Danny is sooo good - his jumps and lines are awesome. And Anya is normally a ballroom dancer but she has this fluidity in this piece. I never took dance lessons and I dance alright enough but I think I'm drawn more to specific creative talent that I lack. Like music also - I can't keep a beat or play anything so I love listening to talented piano players.

I got hooked on this show last season while staying at a friend's house in Hawaii. I came back and kept watching. I liked it so much I wanted to buy tickets for the tour but no friendly soul wanted to join me. I'm not sure if I like the contestants enough yet this year to want to go but maybe...

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