Monday, October 29, 2007

I want a nappie

I feel really tired this morning. And sore from Ben's birthday Ultimate Frisbee game yesterday by Lake Merritt. I'm totally weak sauce because I didn't even play the full two hours! But yes, I am sore. It was really fun - a lot of people came out to play/watch and then we went to Leaning Tower of Pizza for dinner after. A nice big group. Happy Belated Birthday, Ben!!

I think I'm mostly tired from the good but long wkend. A lot of change that I don't want to write about yet but change is in the air. We had a day-long JJaM cell retreat on Saturday and I really appreciated the thought and care the core team put into leading the day. It was very caring and organic - talking through how the group started, walking through a timeline with key moments/events/Scripture, and now talking about splitting into three groups bc we're so big. I've been very grateful how everyone is ok with the change. That feels so rare - to have people that really like and enjoy each other, be ok with breaking up. But I feel like we all want more growth - in terms of smaller groups will give more time for deeper sharing but also more "room" to invite new people. I'm excited and I like the peeps in my group :) I like sharing my life with these people.

I want to pull out my Pilates mat and take a nap in my office. I now work alone again after the last two employees were gone on Friday (one resigned, one "let go"). Nappy time. Maybe not though, always things to do, and especially after I'm mopping up after two left employees.

Perhaps more writing and news will come this week...

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