Monday, July 2, 2007

Off to San Diego...

Flying to San Diego this afternoon, after a full morning at work (including a quick jaunt to San Jose for a client mtg!). I'll be down in SoCal world for a week.

There are a million different things I'm doing this wk - it was hard to remember to pack everything ranging from laptop, gifts for my grandparents from Turkey and Greece, a dress for a wedding including jewelry, work clothes, three chargers, a bathing suit, workout clothes, and normal shorts and tank tops.

I'm looking forward to sun and playing and relaxing. I pray that family and all the different things don't become stressful, and that I'd come back chilled the heck out.


Unknown said...

Hope your have a very RELAXING & FUN time!

OrangeCat said...

Thanks Mo! It was relaxing and sunny :)