Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Death on the Nile update, and other thoughts

As I suspected, Linnette has been murdered. I actually think the betrayed friend Jackie and Linnette's husband Simon may have set the whole thing up to steal her money. Though going through with a sham marriage and then murdering the person just for their money does seem cold. Stay tuned...

I set my alarm at 3am the other night to try and see the full lunar eclipse. I did wake up, drag myself out of my bed, stick my head off the balcony but I couldn't see the moon. Usually at night it's been to the east but maybe it moved. I didn't see anything except the clock saying 3:01am. I rack the whole night up to not being fully awake and not knowing exactly where the moon was. But the pictures online taken by other wide-awake people are pretty.

I've been reading a lot of reports about Senator Craig's arrest. First thought - how is this only coming to the public now? He was arrested and pled guilty around June 11th. I'm confused about the delay. Any law ppl want to explain? Second thought - I think sexuality is more confusing than we want it to be. I don't think it's as simple as gay, straight, or bisexual. Could it be true that Craig* is not gay but has sex with men? What qualifies as gay? I'm not saying he's completely straight and these are false accusations (I'm no Republican) because it's clear he's been having sex with men (at least in airport bathrooms) for quite awhile. But I think the news community right now labels Craig as gay and how he's closeted and doesn't want to come out of the closet. And Craig gives a press conference saying five hundred times how he's not gay. I mean, I know he's a lying liar for all the denials he's made about the bathroom sex accusations and how he's still denying anything really happened. But maybe his sexuality and why he felt driven to have sex with men in bathrooms is more complicated. Which by the way, eww on any of those Senate guys. Yucky.

*Does anyone else have a hard time reading his name and not thinking "Craigslist"?

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