Friday, August 3, 2007

Funny Gavin Newsom

Thank you Mayor Newsom for making me laugh this morning on the way to work. I liked your being silly on the Renal show and how you kept insisting on "keeping it real" and being ready for the "homies" and "haters." Your riff about mocking your overuse of hair gel showed you can make fun of yourself. I didn't expect you to be so funny and I found myself coming out of my grumpy sleep-deprived mood to laugh out loud at your comments. When people called in, you seemed ready for the hard questions but glad to hear the compliments. It was sometimes hard to hear you (can you stay closer to the mic next time?) but I would definitely tune in if you ever got a radio show after you retired from public office.

With that... why again did you decrease the number of trash cans on the street of San Francisco? Did that really save that much money?

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