Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Audio Bible

I've been listening to the Bible in my car in the mornings on my way to work. I really like it. After three days, I'm almost finished with Matthew. When I read the Bible, it's like I'm breathing in truth and Jesus. Like my body filters out the world and I breathe in what is true, the Kingdom of Heaven. Listening to almost an entire gospel, I'm reminded how differently Jesus did things. Reminded of his emphasis on faith and trusting him with miracles and in stormy seas. Reminded of his authority and how he rebuked the religious leaders in making it difficult for people to come to know God. Reminded of Mary Magdalene's extragavant pouring of oil on Jesus, perfume that was probably her dowry and an enormous amount. Reminded of Jesus dying on the cross and how amazing that was, that God came in human form and died, how the curtain in the temple ripped in half and there was an earthquake.

I seek to know You today, Father.

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