Wednesday, August 1, 2007

TV is eeeevvillllll

I confess to watching more tv than is good for me. A year or so ago, I put a time cap of 5 hours a week on my TiVo recordings which really helped. I rarely watch tv that isn't recorded bc I'm way into efficiency and watching live tv is very inefficient. No time-wasting, boring, manipulative commercials for me! When I would go over my 5 hour limit, it would usually be for live sports (usually football - go Cal Bears!) which I don't count as tv. Sports don't blur your brain and leave you spaced out like a couch veggie. I find that I'm more engaged and awake when I watch sports. And as I don't watch sports every night, I'm ok with my 5 hours not including 3 hours of weekend football.

(And yes, I am excited that football season is starting again! No, I'm not an expert so don't quiz me on names and stats but I really love a lazy Sunday with three games playing in the background as I watch here and there, and do stuff around the house. Except for the awesome Saturdays with me glued to the tv when Cal is playing. I get very enthusiastic and jump up and clap loudly - all passed down genetically from my dad, I have to say.)

So last night I came back from watching the Simpson movie with James and people (funny movie, worth seeing on the big screen with a discounted ticket), and my natural inclination is to turn the tv on. But I resisted as it was already late and I was tired. "But tv will relax you," some conniving part of my brain said. "Yes, relax me so much that I end up watching too late and am oddly too tired to go to bed. No, voice in my head, I won't turn it on."

I ended up drifting around the house doing such fascinating small chores as emptying the kitty litter, taking it to the garbage, refilling the bathroom soap dispenser, putting clean dishes away, and starting the dishwasher. I know, like I said, Fascinating. But it was nice and chill. Time seemed to tick slower and the chores didn't take as long as they seem to when the tv's on. Maybe bc I'm super aware of the time with tv, and life becomes tracked into 30 minute increments? And without tv, life is just wide open, barrier-free. I liked it.

After a relaxing shower (I do love feeling clean), I felt God calling me to sit and journal. I haven't been in a journaling mood much lately and I didn't really want to. But I know journaling is one way I pray, that as I write I interact and dialogue with God. Often my writing is a transcription of the conversation God and I are having, sometimes significant transforming words from God that I remember and sometimes just the same everyday "I love you" words that are so needed too.

When I'm really not feeling the desire to pray or journal, God gently says, "Just ten minutes." That feels reasonable and doable, and so I sit. Once I start it usually goes longer but it's nice to know that even ten minutes in quiet with God makes a difference.

It was really good, I wrote freely, God spoke, and I was so happy that I listened and sat with Jesus. Why does it take me so long to do that? I slept better and woke up feeling very rested.

And all bc I didn't turn the tv on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like we had similar evenings... I too puttered around home without a timer going or any sense of urgency. was quite relaxed as I cleaned the kitchen and living room - smiled, actually!

I had more time the next morning to curl up in my newly-created reading area in the office - by the window - to read my Bible and journal some prayers. somehow that journaling of prayers helps my mind quiet down and focus.

So here's to learning the same thing on the same night!