Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I can't believe IV is mentioned in an Onion article

Here's a funny article about Christian rockers denying that they "kicked ass" at one of their concerts. But wait a minute, did they just mention IV??

According to Wÿtness lead guitarist Darrell Hilo, who joined the band last year when guitarist Mark Vinson left to devote his life to Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship Ministry [emphasis mine], no ass-kicking has ever taken place.
"We can't deny there are a lot of rock bands within the secular arena that do kick ass. Europe, Winger and Night Ranger have all kicked serious ass throughout their careers, with such killer anthems as 'The Final Countdown,' 'Seventeen' and 'You Can Still Rock In America' just the first few songs that come to mind. And yes, I do admit to jamming out to music of this variety when I was very young, before my parents took to drink and were divorced, and I was born again in the light of the Lord and Savior Christ Jesus the Lamb. But that's all part of my past. Honest. I haven't listened to those records since my youth group and I burned them all in 1988."

Dude, please spellcheck. It's InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. No hyphen, V is capitalized, and no "ministry" in IV. Except the rockin' ass-kickin' ministry of JESUS.

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