Friday, September 14, 2007


Nora is smaller than Mitch but more compact. They weigh the same surprisingly. I love Nora's body heat, like a little furry oven. If she's sitting somewhere for a bit and runs away, I put my foot on that carpet spot to feel the warmth. But when it's hot and Nora wants to snuggle, egh, cat, get off of me. I woke up around 3am last night because Nora decided she wanted to get close to me and curl up by my shoulder/arm. She's usually pretty loner but she gets in these "I'm feeling lovey" moods and climbs up (she doesn't jump well with her shorter than normal limbs), purrs like mad, walks on you painfully (her concentrated body weight and awkwardness equals grimaces) and wants to nudge her face next to yours but ends up scraping her tooth against your cheek. In one of her lovey moods, she once reached out her paw and went to pet my face but ended up with her claws extended and clawed my eyeball. I went to the othmalogist and was fine but Nora's just a bit oblivious in her desire to be loving. But I love the effort, Nora.

So last night she woke me up with her purring and nestled into my arm, wedged in between the pillow and my polar bear stuffed animal. She wants to stay put but is too excited and starts to chew the buttoms on my pajama top. She loves to chew items and as I put my hand over the buttons, I wonder if she's going to start chewing/kicking/wrestling my polar bear which she does when she starts to get excited. It's really cute but maybe not for my Sea World polar bear who is still nameless.

So I'm semi-awake with my hand over the buttons trying to sleep with this heated purring animal on my shoulder when Mitch comes over to investigate. He get jealous easily and think of me as His. He steps on me and kinda looks at Nora as she sits purring up a storm with her eyes half-closed. He looks at me then climbs down and settles on my left side near the edge of the bed, legs dangling over. He's a bit like a needy child and can't get close enough to me. When I sleep on my side, he'll come up and lie down right against my back.

I now have two warm furry bodies around me and try to drift to sleep. But Nora is so wired from her own purring and lovey-ness that she walks over the polar bear and jumps off the bed. She prefers to sleep under the bed, perhaps bc she's naturally so warm.

So a Nora story for today :)

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