Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Starbucks for kids??

I got into Burlingame "early" today and decided to run errands instead of going into work. I went through the cheap-o $4 car wash so my car will be sparkling when I come back from Cabo, dropped by Starbuck's for a chai tea latte, then grabbed cash at the atm. Efficientttt.

I buy Starbuck's about once every two or three months. It's a treat for me, I don't even order coffee, and I don't buy food/drinks much.

So this morning while I waited for my drink to be made, I saw the barista ask a mom customer if she wanted whipped cream on her child's coffee drink. She said yes, and the barista joked, "That's the whole point right?" I then saw the mom hand this tiny coffee cup to her toddler (seriously this child was like 2, if that).

What just happened? Does Starbuck's make coffee for infants now? I scanned the menu trying to find the Kid's Menu but couldn't see anything. Is it an off the menu thing, or just a normal drink scaled down? Ok, even if it was a coffee imitation like hot chocolate or something, isn't it weird that they call it "coffee"? That is early marketing to the hilt.

I say that bc I don't really drink coffee and I think it comes from my parents not drinking coffee. I didn't grow up smelling coffee or buying it or watching my parents brew a pot every morning. Not that it's a bad thing just an illustration of how strong I think our upbringings can be on our tastes and cravings.

So is it just me, or is that story weird?? And didn't it seem weird that the "coffee" drink just seemed like an excuse for a cup of whipped cream?


Anonymous said...

I don't think it's unusual. Kids get stuff all the time with their parents (I'm there a few times a week and love the cute kids who come in!) Most of them get milk or juice but some get the drinks in the "short" size. (It's 8 oz. vs. the 12 oz. tall cup.) Most kids are getting hot chocolate..and they like to think they're getting coffee like their parents!

as for whipped cream as a reason for a drink? it's my favorite part of my mocha*!

*a double tall, whole milk, 175 degree mocha. yes, I'm one of "those" people at starbucks who have a usual.

double tall = an extra shot of espresso in the mocha but still just the 12 oz. size cup

OrangeCat said...

Ah, interesting. I guess after reading that 60% of the calories in a starbuck's drink is from whipped cream, i don't get it. and i guess it helps that i don't like whipped cream anyway!